Technology Optimization

We have unique expertise to modernize a health plan’s claims and business systems, de-identify and secure PHI, accelerate value-based care strategies, and consolidate islands of payment data.

Claims System Modernization

Alivia offers a trusted technology partnership to help health plan Executives modernize their claims and business systems—from Commercial health plans to Medicare Advantage and Medicaid Managed Care plans. 

PHI Security / De-Identification

Alivia can mask protected health information (PHI] using de‑identification throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to ensure patient privacy and maintain regulatory compliance.

Value-Based Care Acceleration

The landscape in the healthcare ecosystem is rapidly evolving from fee-for-service to value-based care (VBC), which means that health plans must analyze their data in new and different ways. 

Enterprise Data Consolidation

Our platform merges disparate data sources from various departments into a single, coherent framework, providing a unified view of your business operations.