Add PHI De-Id Where Data is Exposed

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generative ai by alivia
Tech Enabled Services PHI Security

Alivia can mask protected health information (PHI) using de‑identification throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to ensure patient privacy, and maintain regulatory compliance, and enable responsible AI. With our highly trained team, we move from diagnosing problems to implementing solutions with precision and efficiency. Upgrades, infrastructure, and cloud-based data analytics can be delivered to transform raw data into actionable information.

Specialized Data Management Services

Data Management & Modernization

  • Assessment
  • Analysis
  • Architecture & Design
  • Conversion (translation)
  • Migration to Modern Systems (or cloud)
  • Security

PHI De‑Identification and Virtualization

  • X12 EDI De-Id
  • Using Delphix 
  • Analysis
  • Conversion (translation) 
  • Migration to Modern Systems (or cloud)
  • Security

Database Infrastructure Services

  • Upgrades (e.g., from Oracle 11g to 19c (cloud))
  • Audit of Database Licenses (to save money)
  • Proven methodology / proven model used in many projects

Success Story

Play Video

Capital District Physicians' Health Plan Shares De‑identification Use Cares

“From a CDPHP standpoint, we wanted to have the protection of the de-identified data, ensure that our offshore resources were not seeing production data unless absolutely necessary, and address concerns around data breaches.”

Dan Kinser
VP of Core Systems 

Advisory Services

To meet the customized needs of our clients, we can provide à la carte advisory services for technology-enabled healthcare. Our experts can take the lead or work hand in hand with you as integral members of the team for Configuration, Testing, EDI, Project / Program Management, or Development.